Miles Klickman's Fundraiser
Help Elijah go on a Mission Trip to Honduras!
Join me and help make a difference in a child's life!
Hello! My name is Elijah Klickman. I am raising funds to go back to Honduras on a mission trip with Rice Bowls. I went last year for the first time, and am really looking forward to going again this year. I like traveling with Rice Bowls because they feed orphaned kids, and I believe it is vital for kids to grow up healthy with food, love and care. I like going on the trip because it is really amazing to see how people in other countries see the world, and the culture there is very interesting. I also like to have fun with the kids there and am glad to be a part of their lives. You can help me by contributing to my trip and praying for me. Thank you so much for your support. I am excited to partner with you on this trip!